
State Governance Structure PowerPoint

State Governance Structure PowerPoint.

State: Louisiana Assignment Guidelines:  This assignment will require students to conduct research utilizing the Internet in locating information from state-sponsored websites for public higher education on the governance structure of higher education on a state assigned by the instructor. (Note: you do ‘not’ have to address ‘private’ colleges or universities in this assignment as the focus is on ‘public’ higher education within various states.  Research the structure of Higher Education in your assigned state and create a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation detailing how the state structures higher education both among community colleges and 4-year colleges/universities.  Please note whether the state uses a: 1) Governing Board, 2) Coordinating Boards, 3) Planning, Regulatory, and Service Agencies. Format:  Students must use a Microsoft PowerPoint for this assignment and other formats (e.g., ‘Pages’) will NOT be accepted  The powerpoint presentation should be a maximum of 5 slides with a reference slide listing the internet (or other) sources that you used in your research of the state structure. Each slide should contain a maximum of 7 lines of text in order to avoid being ‘text heavy’. The font size should be 20 or higher to ensure easy readability of the presentation.  Develop a ‘creative’ and ‘visually appealing’ presentation with the use of visual aids such as images, concept maps, flow charts, etc.

State Governance Structure PowerPoint

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