
Antikythera Shipwreck

Antikythera Shipwreck.

Topic Antikythera Shipwreck 

Your assignment for this paper is to prepare a Research Design for the shipwreck you described in the first paper. Now that you have used your imagination to invent a “perfect shipwreck” it’s time to do some real research. Your research design should be essentially a proposal for funding support (money) to excavate, conserve, analyze, interpret, and display and list them alphabetically later on the References page at the end of your paper. For your Research Design you should briefly describe the following 1. The name, exact location, and hypothesized date and origin of the vessel. 2. A brief paragraph describing the wreck, your previous survey work, and results that you obtained. (you can cite your first paper as a reference) 3. The qualifications of your team: (Cite and reference your sources of information) a) Education (chose a real university that offers degrees in marine archaeology) b) Field experience (chose real projects that show your team has real experience) c) Publication record (chose real journals and professional publications) d) Fundraising experience (examples of funds that you received from real sources that are known to fund marine archaeology. 4. Research permission you have obtained: (Cite and reference source of information) a) Research and excavation permit (chose a real management agency that permits this work in the country or state where your site is located. 5. Your plan for excavation, which should include: a) Methodology (where, how much will you will dig, and how it will be controlled) b) Tools (like boat or platform, scuba surface supplied, airlift or dredge, etc.) c) Site recording techniques and tools, artifact labeling, recovery of small and large items, etc. d) Initial field conservation of waterlogged materials 6. Your plan for conservation, which should include: (Cite and reference sources) a) A real laboratory that you will employ to conserve, and study recovered items (try to use a lab in the country or state where the shipwreck is located) b) Conservation experience of said laboratory (based on real experience) c) Length of time required for conservation (based on real examples) 7. Publication: (Cite and reference your sources of information) a) Professional publication (chose two real publications that deal with shipwreck archaeology) b) Popular publication (chose two real publications that deal with shipwreck archeology) 8. Museum interpretation and display: (Cite and reference your sources of information) a) Museum that will display shipwreck materials that you’ve excavated (chose a real museum from country or state where your shipwreck is located) This paper should not be an outline (like the one above) but a well developed and concise narrative that can easily be read and understood by the people from whom you are asking for funding support. This paper should be typed, double-spaced, and between 1,200 and 1,300 words in length (5 pages). Use standard English and your spell checker, avoid plagiarism, and be sure to proofread your paper in order to obtain the highest possible grade. Your paper will require several research references, cited in your text, where you have relied on them for research, by using the author’s last name, year of publication, and page number in the text like this: (Smith 2003:4), or agency, and site location for web sites like this ( Florida Division of Historical Resources, Archaeological Research Permits). Create a list of references or bibliography at the end or your paper. If you use a web sites, be sure to provide an author or organization, date, title, and URL as I check them, and if I can’t get to the page, you can’t get credit for the reference. Here’s a hint: if there is no identifiable author or official organization, it probably isn’t a reliable website. Follow the format examples here for your list of references that will follow your paper: The examples are for a web page, a book, a chapter in a book, and an article in a journal respectively.

Antikythera Shipwreck

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