apan and Korea for an International course.
It’s about Japan and Korea for an International course. Your final reflection paper #3 will be due uploaded onto Brightspace by midnight on Friday, May 10. In approximately five pages (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 10-12 pt. type, using appropriate major headings), I want you first to examine your most important insights gained from the course, which integrates your learning from all aspects of our course, including speakers, class exercises and experiences, assigned readings (including Lefko text), group presentations, and class videos and discussions. In the second part of this paper you will examine how you are different at the close of this course before the international experience. What new personal and professional insights have you gained for guiding your future, and why are these significant? What subjects would you like to learn more about/gain more experience in? Consider possible new directions for your ongoing personal and professional development, as well as possible future integration and utilization of insights and concepts related to sustainability in your future life.