Book If I die in a Combat Zone (Critical Analysis).
Book : If I die in a Combat Zone (Critical Analysis)
1000-1500 essays Using If I die in a Combat Zone and select primary and secondary sources critically analyze the experiences of American service members during the wars of the United States participated from 1898 to the present. You will use Vietnam and two wars of your choosing from the list below. -Spanish-American War -World War 1 – World War 2 -Korean War To effectively complete the assignment you will need to examine the emotions of the soldiers. you get to choose TWO emotional states from the following list: emotional psychological physical and spiritual stresses placed on American Soldiers dealt With their experiences.. Whatever makes it easier to examine. You need: 3 primary source (one source for each war covered) You must have an additional source for Vietnam other than “If I die in a combat zone” 3 secondary sources one source for each war covered from your choosing.