
Collapse of the Planet’s Beauty

Collapse of the Planet’s Beauty.

Collapse of the Planet’s Beauty


Paper details:

Write a 5-6 page research paper regarding the topic you gave for your proposal. You may use different resources such as research from books, articles, and other scholarly works. Also, make sure to include examples from the movie it is focused on to tie in your evidence. The goal of your paper is to answer a large question or to critique a major element within the nature film world (through multiple examples), drawing from ample resources to back up the critique or to help answer the big question. Submit the first draft of your research paper (which should be 5-6 pages, double-spaced), complete with your works cited (which does not count toward your page count). Submit as a PDF file. Canvas will automatically scan for plagiarism. Make sure you cite ALL sources.

Collapse of the Planet’s Beauty

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