
Colorado State University Wk 2 Child Obesity Discussion

Colorado State University Wk 2 Child Obesity Discussion Colorado State University Wk 2 Child Obesity Discussion.


option #1:The Community Action Plan: Written Report 

for this class develop a Community Action Plan designed to alleviate or correct a public-health issue in your community. Your community can be your business, school, neighborhood, town or city of residence or birth, or county. 

your Community Action Plan will be a professional  portfolio that includes a written report and a slide presentation. 

Below are some useful sites where you can find examples of the elements of an action plan. (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.

  • Week 2: Written Response and Project Selection (10 points):  Provide a brief one-paragraph response indicating which assignment  option and public-health issue you have selected and why. This will help  your instructor to be aware of your plans and support you with  development of this project. Upload your response as a Word document.
  • Your Portfolio Project for this class is a community action plan  designed to alleviate or correct a public health issue in your  community. Your community can be any of the following areas: your  community of residence, your business, your school, your community of  birth, or former communities you lived. Consider the philosophical and  ethical foundations of public health presented in Chapters 1 and 2 of Public Health Ethics and how your community’s issues compare to the authors’ presentation of global public health issues all communities face.       This week, for your discussion, tell us the public health issue  and the community you are considering using for your Portfolio Project.       In your post, discuss your public health idea. Incorporate at  least two references from a newspaper, trade magazine, website, or  peer-reviewed journal that speak to the public health issue you have  selected. One reference must tell about the specific public health  problem in the community you have chosen to examine. The second  reference must offer up a potential solution to the type of public  health issue you have identified (it does not need to refer to your  specific issue in the community you are working on).       Discuss any ethical, moral, or political responsibility, as described in Chapters 1 and 2 of Public Health Ethics,  that you feel your community has to address. 

Colorado State University Wk 2 Child Obesity Discussion

Colorado State University Wk 2 Child Obesity Discussion

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