Compare and contrast these aspects about yourself with at least one other leader. How are the two of you alike and different?.
This 900-1000 word essay requires extensive self- reflection. We want you to describe and analyze crucial aspects of your own leadership. At the same time, compare and contrast these aspects about yourself with at least one other leader. How are the two of you alike and different? Write in the first person (e.g., I tend to…, I believe…, I’m best at, etc.).
Provide concrete examples that demonstrate the similarities and differences. Include leadership principles and concepts from various leadership lessons (e.g., creative thinking, critical thinking, culture, ethics, stewardship, self-awareness, resilience, emotional intelligence, leadership theory, change, building teams, mission command, crucial conversations, learning organization, power, etc.). You do not need a cover page. Please write at least seven paragraphs (introduction with a thesis statement, body consisting of at least five paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph), Use at least four credible references to support and enhance your essay.