
Developing an International Entry Strategy – UAE

Developing an International Entry Strategy – UAE.

Description Please use the report that is attached and other documents as references to complete this paper. The country of choice is United Arab Emirates. Building on the industry analysis you completed in Project 3, develop an international entry strategy for your client’s organization to operate in a new country. Analyze the new country as a site for certain value chain activities. Develop a six- to seven-page country risk assessment, which will detail the opportunities and challenges of expanding within that country. Gustavo is seeking your advice regarding target market selection and international expansion and global market opportunity assessment. Review the blueprint for international expansion in the business journal article, “Going International.” You should also consider principles of international strategy for doing business in your selected country. What products are good candidates for generating additional revenue for your client’s organization from expansion into the selected country? Your country risk assessment should include a detailed analysis that answers the questions posed in the following steps. As part of your country risk assessment, I also expect a PESTEL analysis of your selected country in relation to the industry in which your client’s organization operates. In other words, you are looking at the country through the prism of the industry in which your client conducts business. Assess Global Value Chain: What activities, if any, in your client’s value chain are candidates for relocation to the country you selected? If there are no activities that can be relocated, explain why. If there are activities that can be relocated, provide a brief justification and examine the challenges you see in coordinating the global value chain after the proposed value chain activities of the organization are set up in this country. Examine Cultural Issues: Include information about the following cultural issues in your analysis: What cultural differences are likely to influence your client’s operations (e.g., marketing, human resources, etc.)  in this country? For background and guidance, read about international cultural differences and the impact of culture on best-practice production and operations management. Would your client’s products need to be localized or marketed differently in this country? Explain why or why not. Read about conducting market research for help. Are there any issues that your client’s corporate social responsibility or compliance programs may need to address while operating in the selected country?

Developing an International Entry Strategy – UAE

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