Discuss and write about a psychological problem and the utilization of ‘psychological skills training/techniques’ in detail..
Objectives: At the end of this assignment student will be able to: Utilize research tools to gather information on selected psychological problems and the necessary ‘psychological skills/techniques’ that may be utilized to address the problem. Discuss and write about a psychological problem and the utilization of ‘psychological skills training/techniques’ in detail. Write with correct spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Present information in correct APA format. Create an APA Reference page. Requirements: Research a psychological problem and the accompanying ‘psychological skills training/techniques’ that may address the problem utilizing UCSB library, local library or scholarly Internet-based reference articles. Find at least 3 scholarly references or resources, which will be cited in final written presentation and noted on a Reference Page in correct APA format. Remember that Wikipedia is not a scholarly reference as it is not peer-reviewed regularly, anyone can post to it and it is not updated on a regular basis. Do work individually creating an original paper. Papers submitted previously to other classes at UCSB or other institutions will not be accepted. Discuss in written format, at a minimum, information on the psychological problem and a proposed solution, and a justified course of action designed to solve the problem utilizing ‘psychological skills training/techniques’. On-going Research or Clinical Protocols may also be included. Provide a minimum of 6 full pages of narrative (a full page means all the way to the end per the margins and typically page measurement, which is 8 1⁄2 x 11). Written work or narrative does not include the cover page and/or reference page. Do not exceed 8 pages of narrative (this does not include the cover page and/or reference page). Your research paper must be in APA format, which includes the title page, narrative/text of the document, header, and citations on the reference page. No abstract is required but paper must be double-spaced on 8 1⁄2 x 11 page, in 12-inch font, Arial or New Times Roman are recommended. Citations must be in correct APA format. Review information at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. before finalizing and submitting work.