
Does Cal Fire(California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection )offer a better model for the fire service nationally?

Does Cal Fire(California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection )offer a better model for the fire service nationally?.


Your assignment is to construct a Research Paper related to a public administration issue in your area or areas of emphasis. This proposal could be a community-based problem or an organizational-based problem, utilizing case study methodology. You should have some familiarity with the community or organization you select. For example, you will use commonly available data about your selected community (economic development data, census data, or government records) to establish the need for research. Additionally, you will provide relevant credible literature from sources that support your research. Based upon his or her research proposal, students submit a 25 to 30 page research paper, utilizing a minimum of 25 reliable references. The research paper should include the following sections: title page, abstract (100-150 words), executive summary (750-1000 words), introduction, main body (research-with possible subheadings), conclusion/findings, recommendations, references, and appendixes as needed. Only the body (introductionrecommendations) of the paper counts towards the page count. 

Does Cal Fire(California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection )offer a better model for the fire service nationally?

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