Does Religion Matter in Today’s World?.
Description This paper argues that RELIGION DOES NOT MATTER IN TODAY’S WORLD. The paper needs to be in the form of an editorial. The paper should explain to readers of the newspaper in layman terms what religion is and does it matter in today’s world and if it doesn’t/does how? This paper is an opinion piece and should state the writer’s opinion of religion in today’s world. The implicit goal of these questions is to allow you to show us what you’ve learned about religion—what you think it is, what inspires you or annoys you about religion, what you’ve changed your mind about or what arguments you’ve confirmed and deepened. All sources should be from the texts provided. Imagine that the Daily Free Press suddenly realized religion still exists and wants to put together a series on the topic. After searching for experts, they have hired YOU to write an editorial on the question: “does religion matter in today’s world?” The question is intentionally broad, because they know nothing about religion and want you to decide where to go with it to make it your own. Your main audience is fellow BU students, most of whom have not taken a course in religious studies (the horror!). Write for this audience. Stepping back, consider: How would you define religion? Based on our readings and discussions this semester, what is religion in the modern world? Where is it? What does it do? How does it feel? Look? Does it still matter? What would you want them to know? In your editorial, you should reflect either implicitly or explicitly on some of the questions raised above. Also, you should draw upon at least three different texts from our class to develop your response (this might also include considering counterarguments). At least two of the three texts should be conventional readings (essays, book chapters, memoir), but one could be visual or sonic. Offer a nuanced point that will appeal to your audience, take a stand, and defend it! No outside sources are necessary but, if you feel the need to cite something, please limit yourself to one outside text.