
Fueling White Injury Ideology Public Officials’ Racial Discourse in Support of Arizona Senate Bill 1070

Fueling White Injury Ideology Public Officials’ Racial Discourse in Support of Arizona Senate Bill 1070.

Introduction& conclusion, Introductory paragraph provides context to the reading and social problem being discussed and provides the reader with a sense of direction regarding the development of the paper. The thesis is multi-dimensional and well-motivated by an effective introduction. (A thesis is a 1 –2 sentence statement that is ideally argumentative and outlines the goals of the paper). The essay includes an effective conclusion that restates the key arguments advanced in the paper, including the thesis. Orienting and context, Context is provided to familiarize the reader with the social problem being discussed. This can include statistics, trends, historical and contemporary developments, etc. If relevant, the group(s) implicated should also be discussed. Key concepts are defined. Applications or examples are utilized to demonstrate understanding. If relevant, relationships between key concepts are highlighted. Claims and arguments advanced in the reading are identified and critically analyzed and assessed. All statistics, claims, and facts, are cited from reputable sources. General Content, Thesis is supported throughout the paper with logical ideas and claims. Key arguments advanced by the author(s) are discussed. The general tone of writing is critical and analytical, rather than summative. Two thought-provoking discussion questions are included at the end of the essay. Formatting& grammar Typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. Student name, date, title of paper, and course number are clearly visible on the first page or title page. Ideas are clearly organized into paragraphs with a logical flow. Paragraphs include a topic sentence. References and in-text citations in ASA or APA style. Grammar and spelling errors do not distract from the overall ideas of the paper.

Fueling White Injury Ideology Public Officials’ Racial Discourse in Support of Arizona Senate Bill 1070

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