
Immigration laws and policies in the USA the current immigration climate in the USA

Immigration laws and policies in the USA the current immigration climate in the USA.

Immigration laws and policies in the USA, the current immigration climate in the USA 

Paper Guidelines American Government and Politics GOV 201 – Summer 2019 Proposal due – June 25 Paper due – July 3 General Description: You are required write a 3-4 page essay that analyzes a current issue related to American politics and/or government. You must submit a proposal prior to writing the paper. Topic: You should choose a topic in American government and politics that is related to the text/coursework. Some examples include (but are not limited to): Balances of powers State v. federal rights (drug laws, education, same-sex marriage, immigration…) Structure/problems of state government Structure/problems of local government Public opinion issues Interest groups Political parties (status/platforms of Democratic/Republican parties) Political lobbying Economic inequality and politics Voting laws (status of Voting Rights Act today, gerrymandering…) Media and politics PACs Sources: You should use a minimum of 3 sources to write your paper. 1. A current article (from January 2019 or later) that deals with an issue of politics or government in the United States today. The article should have a strong connection to the coursework. Newspapers and news magazines are good sources (New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal) The article can be from an online source if that source is a recognized media outlet. For example, is okay, John Doe’s blog is not. See “Advice on finding articles” posted on Canvas. 2. Your textbook and/or additional assigned readings. Your topic must connect to something we have covered in class. 3. Additional sources can be news articles, scholarly articles, websites… You may wish to check sources listed at the end of chapters in the textbook and/or check the link to “Library Database Info” posted on Canvas. Proposal: You must provide me with an acceptable current article and one additional source accompanied by a short paragraph describing how your article connects to a topic in politics or government that we have studied. The article and proposal are due prior to the essay. I will let you know if the article is not acceptable so you have time to locate another. If your proposal is not accepted, you can revise for full credit by the due date. I suggest you don’t wait until the last minute. Citations: You must include a formal bibliography using Chicago style. To view this style, go to You may use author-date citations when you are citing materials in text. Example: (Ford, et al., 2016, 188-9). Click on above link for more information. All sources MUST BE cited. Meaning if you consult a source, even if you do not quote it directly, you must include this source in your bibliography. If you use similar or exact wording from a source and/or take specific information from a source, that source must be cited by page number within the essay itself (in-text citation.) Exact language must be in quotation marks.

Immigration laws and policies in the USA the current immigration climate in the USA

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