MGT 422 Saudi Electronic Business Ethics & Social Responsibility Questions MGT 422 Saudi Electronic Business Ethics & Social Responsibility Questions.
• Search for the article entitled asYou can always get what you want?!? the case of rent-to-own. by Hill, R., (2019).in SAGE Business Cases.
• Read the article thoroughly alongside Chapter 2(Deciding What’s Right: A Prescriptive Approach)in your textbook and answer the questions for the assignment.
• Besides this research paper use other relevant material to support your answers.
Assignment Question(s):
Part 1 (Case-based Questions) (5 Marks)
1-What ethical issues are present in the case? (Words 100-150).
2-Is it appropriate for Jamal to allow his own self-interests to guide his ethical conduct? For example, charging prices and following procedures that disadvantage customers but put more money in his pocket (and the pockets of his employees) may be viewed as wrong. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your answer(Words 150-200).
3-Are Jamal’s responsibilities to the community different because he shares their history? Explain your answer(Words 100-150).
4. If Jamal truly wants to stay in this community and pursue his career, should he be willing to take a less well-paying job with depressed future options to solve his ethical crisis? Under what circumstance would such extreme measures make sense?(Words 150-200)
Part 2 (Discussion Questions) (5 Marks)
5– Think about a situation where your values have been in conflict. How have you resolved those conflicts? Now that you have studied the ethical decision-making frameworks in this chapter, what should you have done?(Words 200-300).
6– If you had to choose just one of the philosophical approaches discussed in this chapter to guide your decision making, which would you choose? Why? Or, if you had to rank them from most to least helpful, how would you rank them?(Words 200-300).
7– What do you think of the proposed Hippocratic Oath for managers?(Words 100-150).
MGT 422 Saudi Electronic Business Ethics & Social Responsibility Questions
MGT 422 Saudi Electronic Business Ethics & Social Responsibility Questions