
Modern Women (Book Review #2)

Modern Women (Book Review #2).

General guidelines for the Book Review Assessment:

  • Spellcheck and proofread for errors and clarity.
  • Your review should be the equivalent of 3-4 pages, double spaced. Your summary of each book should equate to about 1 page, the analytical questions should comprise the bulk of this assignment.
  • If you directly quote from your book, or use specific/unique data in your review, cite it! (Use the MLA method of in-text parenthetical citation; if you don’t know what this is, it’s suggested you go to owl@purdue to help you format this correctly). You must include the Works Cited information at the end of your review.
  • All book reviews will be sent through anti-plagiarism software ( — please follow directions when you submit your book review. Any work plagiarized will cost you the entire score for this assignment. Please note that only certain word processing document forms are accepted for this assignment: pdf, Word (doc, docx), rtf. Make sure that your document is compatible with the software in Canvas. 
  • The instructor does NOT accept e-mailed assignments.
  • Clearly indicate which point (you can number these if you wish) you are discussing. It’s suggested that you complete your book review in a word processing program before you officially post it so you can make sure it’s the best you are capable of in terms of content and presentation. Again, proofread before you post!


Directions for Book Review #2

Summarize the narrative and indicate if your book is fiction or non-fiction.

What are three one-word themes that you see in the book (think concepts such as “love”, “hate”, “courage”, “obedience”, “honor”, etc. These MUST be one word each).

What is the author’s point of view on women, based on the book you chose to review? Is this a positive or negative view?

What will you remember six months from now about this book. Why?

Modern Women (Book Review #2)

My Face is Black is True: Callie House and the Struggle for Ex-Slave Reparations*

The Angel of Darkness*

My Antonia*

Having Our Say; The Delany Sisters’ First 100 Years*


Rocking the Boat: Union Women’s Voices*

Zelda; a biography*

Women of the Harlem Renaissance*

Josephine Baker in Art and Life: the Icon and the Image*

Sisterhood of Spies*

Hidden Figures*

A Time Remembered: American Women in Vietnam*

The Feminine Mystique*

Fascinating Womanhood*

To Be Young, Gifted and Black*

No Place for a Woman: a Life of Margaret Chase Smith*

Unbought and Unbossed*


The Beauty Myth*

Reviving Ophelia*

Notes from the Cracked Ceiling*

The Handmaid’s Tale*

Modern Women (Book Review #2)

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