Movie Reaction Paper The Departed (2006) & Infernal Affairs (2002).
List 5 differences between the two versions of films. • There are plenty of differences. But the point is you need to pick 5 and to discuss them. Why it’s interesting? What make you feel need to discuss those changes with me, your reader (and the grader of your paper)? • Why it’s a good change? Why it fits to the HK/American version better? And How would that be? • What flow? What do you mean by that? Why helps the flow? List the time codes of both films. I might need to check the scenes. Your reaction : review, analysis, journal At least 650 words (single-spaced) • Select the appropriate focus • Concepts we discussed in classes / readings? • Response to a historical/social /cultural events • Evaluation a current issue with the movie • Sharing your own experience with some thoughtful, thoughtful discussions • Develop ONE primary idea/perception, support it with specific evidence, present it in clear language and a logical order • Review your essay, enough detail to explain your thinking
Movie Reaction Paper The Departed (2006) & Infernal Affairs (2002)