
Pace University New York John Haldane Gas Mask Essay

Pace University New York John Haldane Gas Mask Essay Pace University New York John Haldane Gas Mask Essay.

Question Description

I’m working on a art question and need guidance to help me study.

Please pick one designed object to be the topic of a research paper. Designed objects are being defined here as anything with a function or use value, and can include fashion, architecture, graphic design, advertising, product design, etc. Papers should include: the history of the object, including any social or political context behind the emergence of the design, a formal analysis of the object (what does it look like, and how does it function?) and most importantly should connect the objects formal qualities to its social or political function or meaning. For example, if you were discussing Marinetti’s “Parole in Liberta,” you might connect the chaotic, off-grid composition to the Futurist’s enthusiasm for violence in the years leading up to World War I.  

Pace University New York John Haldane Gas Mask Essay

Pace University New York John Haldane Gas Mask Essay

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