
Personal Selling and Sales Management

Personal Selling and Sales Management.

The goal for this paper is to conduct a business case analysis into the field of Personal Selling and Sales Management. Use industry sources as the basis for research, best practices and critical analysis. As the basis for your topic, blog posts and articles on the following websites are recommended , there are additional industry associations that also cover Sales. Please check with me for approval. • Arial 12 Font, 1 inch margins, double spaced • APA in text citation • Source dates 2010-present • NO Wikipedia • If using internet sources: quality business publications are required: ex. Wall Street Journal, Business Week etc. • Image inserts cannot be more than 1/3 of the page. Paper cannot be more than 20% images —————————————————————————————————– 1. Title 2. Introduction1-2paragraph summary of the topic What is your personal interest or aptitude for this subject area? 3. Body-Present your research findings clearly so that the audience will grasp the subject matter. The education received from your presentation should empower your classmates to transfer the information to their work life. Images must be supportive of the content. 4. Conclusion-Did you accomplish what you set out to find in this paper? Admito lapses and identify them. Pose questions that you would like to explore on the topic.

Personal Selling and Sales Management

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