
Philosophy, Social Theory and Human Geography

Philosophy, Social Theory and Human Geography.


Examine the following statements and, drawing upon the work of Guattari, explain the extent to which you agree or disagree with it: “Friedrich Nietzsche’s call for the revaluation of the values by which we think and live represents the most urgent ethical challenge facing us in the twenty-first century” The comparative focus need not be equal (e.g. 80% on one theorist, 20% on the other). You can introduce other theorists/references, but the substantive focus must be on the two theorists selected Initial advice: • Break down the statement; consider it on its own terms. • Place emphasis on the clause, ‘the extent to which’. • Full agreement or disagreement is not the aim. • Do not attempt to ‘reconcile’ the theorists with one another. • Place emphasis on theorising and conceptualisation You might accentuate why one theorist is preferable in relation to a key aspect of your argument than another. • The choice of comparator theorist is critical. • Ask early on; is this comparison really working? • Contemporaneity is not necessarily relevant, nor is biographical similarity. • Consider, instead, ontological, epistemological and ethical affinities (and tensions). Research and Reading: Use unit handbook as point of departure for reading. • Compile further resources using Scopus and Google Scholar. • Read widely; narrow later. • Impose direction with questions, or through critique. Writing advice: 3 tasks:

• Outline key theme/argument of statement and its relation to theorists chosen – what are the main lies of argument, tension or comparison? • Attend to key texts, key concepts. • Examine implications of the key texts and concepts for the argument you are making. • Compose a zero-draft abstract. Writing Structure: Philosophising is iterative; the introduction must sketch the argument and its justification succinctly. • Signpost the essay-structure and rationale in the introduction. • Conclusion is the logical and reasonable summation of work undertaken, and the actualisation of the promise set out in the introduction. • First-Class: consistency in aims, argument, implication. Writing: Paragraphs: Paragraphs are quality-control devices. • Reiterates the function of an essay • Every paragraph should encapsulate an argument, or a stage of an argument. • Is it analytical, or descriptive? • How does it evidence or substantiate the point(s) made? • Establish links, hooks and relations between paragraphs. • How are you drawing the two theorists into conversation with one another? Writing: Philosophy: Encourages – demands – a tone different to that of other essays in human geography. Consider different expressionistic genres encountered in unit. • Be speculative in a scholarly fashion. • Be affirmative in your argument. • Critique is academic generosity, not outright negation. • Ontological or metaphysical composition and argument. Epistemological frameworks. Modes of expression and enunciation. • • Genealogical composition of thought and theorising. • Conceptual motifs such as ethics, subjectivity, aesthetics, politics, materiality. essays that were awarded high marks were those that combined assured conceptual sophistication, independent thought, wide reading and a structured, consistent approach to writing

Philosophy, Social Theory and Human Geography

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