Problem solution paper solving a local problem in Las Vegas Nevada.
Problem solution paper solving a local problem in Las Vegas, Nevada Research Paper (30 points) this assignment asks you to reevaluate and research elements of our community that might benefit from research and public attention, and offer a possible solution. Your project should: develop a persuasive focus and then support that focus by offering specific examples and details along with relevant research; attempt to persuade a specific audience, who may or may not be aware of the issues, to accept (if not agree with) your perspective/solution; and synthesize a minimum of five sources to offer an in-depth discussion of the community issue which you are evaluating, and that support your proffered solution. Getting Started : Your focus will be persuasive by evaluating the social/community problem you have chosen, and offering a solution to that problem. Remember, neither a statement of fact (homelessness + is a big problem in America) nor a statement of taste (homeless people + are great people) constitute a persuasive focus; instead, think of your mission along the lines of the “problem/solution” schema. Rhetorical Considerations
Problem solution paper solving a local problem in Las Vegas Nevada