
Professor E. Apperson

Infinity Chacon

Professor E. Apperson


November 24, 2019

Post 3.4: Echo chambers

I am very passionate about environmental conservation and topics like global warming and climate change get me quite charged up. I admit that I am in a climate change echo chamber as I have never been interested to know what persons opposed to climate change say and think. I have never read any scientific article against climate change and have never been interested to interact with people whose ideas oppose mine and listen to their viewpoints to get a better understanding of what they think. Honestly, I assume climate change naysayers to be persons who do not want to come to terms with reality and see what is going on, or persons who are vested in their own interests. Being in this echo chamber means that I only meet persons with whom I share the same environmental ideals and therefore only serves to reinforce my resolve in conservation matters while at the same time strengthening my bias against those opposed to what I stand for.

I have not experienced any limitations thus far, but it is difficult to defend an idea if you do not know what the opposition might say about it. I imagine holding a conversation with another individual who is opposed to climate change, I would not have enough knowledge on how to defend my points while refuting theirs. Moreover, maybe learning more about what the opposition’s argument would make me shift my views and take on another stance. This can only occur if I get out of echo chamber and be willing to get nonpartisan and credible information from both sides of the climate change debate.


Professor E. Apperson

Infinity Chacon

Professor E. Apperson


November 24, 2019

Post 3.4: Echo chambers

I am very passionate about environmental conservation and topics like global warming and climate change get me quite charged up. I admit that I am in a climate change echo chamber as I have never been interested to know what persons opposed to climate change say and think. I have never read any scientific article against climate change and have never been interested to interact with people whose ideas oppose mine and listen to their viewpoints to get a better understanding of what they think. Honestly, I assume climate change naysayers to be persons who do not want to come to terms with reality and see what is going on, or persons who are vested in their own interests. Being in this echo chamber means that I only meet persons with whom I share the same environmental ideals and therefore only serves to reinforce my resolve in conservation matters while at the same time strengthening my bias against those opposed to what I stand for.

I have not experienced any limitations thus far, but it is difficult to defend an idea if you do not know what the opposition might say about it. I imagine holding a conversation with another individual who is opposed to climate change, I would not have enough knowledge on how to defend my points while refuting theirs. Moreover, maybe learning more about what the opposition’s argument would make me shift my views and take on another stance. This can only occur if I get out of echo chamber and be willing to get nonpartisan and credible information from both sides of the climate change debate.

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