
rade and trade-liberalization are considered to be core components for realizing development

rade and trade-liberalization are considered to be core components for realizing development.

Trade and trade-liberalization are considered to be core components for realizing development. Critically discuss the premises and implications of this assumption, drawing on examples either from the NAFTA or the WTO.

This is a masters course and a level paper. I would need critical analysis in the paper on Trade and trade liberalisation as one of the core components for development. I want the essay to take a stance on showing that trade-liberalisation is bad and does not enhance the livelihood of those living in the developing world (global south). The maing question for the paper is written on the Topic above. And from there I would need to critically analyse Trade liberalisation through examples from NAFTA and WTO to show that it is, in fact, hinders development. We could use sustainable development for instance to show our points and argue for it, that trade liberalisation has hindered sustainable development

rade and trade-liberalization are considered to be core components for realizing development

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