
Reflective analysis of the social media critique that situates that work within an appropriate conceptual and theoretical framework, with the aim of critically assessing the use and effects of Instagram.

Reflective analysis of the social media critique that situates that work within an appropriate conceptual and theoretical framework, with the aim of critically assessing the use and effects of Instagram..

 2000 word. Reflecting on the poster in the attachment I provide. Use the following sources if possible, – David, Gaby. 2015, ‘All What We Send Is Selfie: Images in the Age of Immediate Reproduction’ José Ricardo Carvalheiro & Ana Serrano Tellería (Eds.) Public / Private: Mobile and Digital Communication. – Hjorth, Larissa; Hendry, Natalie. 2015. ‘A Snapshot of Social Media: Camera Phone Practices’, Social Media + Society. Vol 1, Issue 1, URL: – Hu, Yuheng, Lydia Manikonda, and Subbarao Kambhampati. “What We Instagram: A First Analysis of Instagram Photo Content and User Types.” Paper presented at International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 2014. URL: – Manovich, Lev; Tifentale, Alise. 2018. ‘Competitive Photography and the Presentation of the Self’, Jens Ruchatz, Sabine Wirth, and Julia Eckel (eds.), #SELFIE–Imag(in)ing the Self in Digital Media. Marburg, URL: – Senft, Theresa M.; Baym, Nancy K. 2015. ‘What Does the Selfie Say? Investigating a Global Phenomenon’, International Journal of Communication. Vol 9, pp. 1588-1606, URL: – Tiidenberg, Katrin, 2018. Selfies: Why we Love (and Hate) Them. Emerald – Walker-Rettberg, Jill, 2014: Seeing Ourselves Through Technology: How we Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves. Palgrave

Reflective analysis of the social media critique that situates that work within an appropriate conceptual and theoretical framework, with the aim of critically assessing the use and effects of Instagram.

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