
Rent Control (Federal Corn Subsidies)

Rent Control (Federal Corn Subsidies).

Rent Control (Federal Corn Subsidies)

Assignment Details and Rubric for Policy Analysis/Research Project This class has a policy analysis requirement as a final assessment. The submission is expected to include a comprehensive understanding and application of the economic principles covered in the course. Therefore, the successful student should write a little bit each week to reflect each week’s concepts. Choose from one of the topics/policies offered for research (listed below). First come/first served rationing device. No topic may be chosen by more than two students. Deliverable: 7 page analysis and explanation of the economic principles fundamental to the researched policy. Ideally, the student will produce a paper which provides evidence of the following objectives: 1) Identify the policy responsible, the intent of the policy, and the unintended consequences of the policy. 2) Understand the Issue being addressed by the policy. 3) Articulate the economic principles which incentivize the interactions and the behavior of those involved. 4) Draw market graphs representing the market and marginal differences. 5) Describe the Classical vs the Keynesian interpretations of the policy 6) Articulate the costs and benefits, as well as the winners and the losers of this policy. 7) Consider alternatives. 8) Acceptable citations so that a reader can verify assertions and references. College-level writing proficiency. Students should use the rubric as a guide to complete the Policy Analysis Q. What are common mistakes to avoid? A. Usually the student leaves off or receives no credit for the graph, citation page, or alternatives. Missing the deadline and waiting to the last minute are common mistakes of mis-allocated resources. Poor grades are usually associated with poor grammar and misspellings. Q. How can I make sure I do well on the policy analysis? A. Use the rubric and the template. Answer the prompts concisely and completely. If you cover all the criteria you will earn a passing grade. This assignment is meant to develop your analytical skills and your ability to recognize and apply economic principles to a complex issue. Q. In choosing our term paper topic I am wondering if we must be “for or against the policy?” For example, the topic “Steel Tariffs,” are we allowed to write a paper that is in favor of the policy or could we write a paper that opposes the policy and aims to prove it wrong? A. Do not take sides.

This is not an opinion paper. You definitely do not have to agree with the topic statement. Approach this as an Economist. You weigh all the evidence and will reject, accept or modify the resolution as written. You should research the question and summarize the evidence. The topics are timely and some of them are phrased as disputable resolutions. Gather all evidence, and “argue both sides of the issue”. You might come to a conclusion or begin with a bias, but this paper is not an opinion paper. What are the facts and theories? Q. How well do students do on this assignment? Are you a fair grader? A. I grade the policy analysis project by looking for the nine criteria listed in the rubric. About 25% of students earn an A, 25% earn B or C, 25% earn an F, and 25% don’t submit a paper by the due date. Students and colleagues describe this as being “more than fair.” Q. Is there only one way to see an issue? A. There are multiple perspectives. Economics approaches a topic not as a debate, but as a deliberation. However, there is only one way to economically analyze an issue. The tools we use as economists are methodical; economic principles do not change with popular opinion. Policy Choices for Spring 2019 (the number in parentheses is the number of the corresponding essay) 22 Federal Corn Subsidies 1 FDA Requirements for New Drug Approval 3 Tax on Sugar 2 California Moratorium on Oil Wells 12 Minimum Wage 7 Prohibiting the Sale of Human Kidneys 4 FAA Safety Policy 5 Common Law System 6 Prohibition of Alcohol 6 Prohibition of Marijuana 8 India’s Free Water Policy 9 The 1991 Tax on Yachts 11 Anti-discrimination (Gender) 11 Anti-discrimination (Creed) 13 Immigration Restriction Policy 9 Luxury Tax on Expensive Cars 13 Transfer Payments to Eligible 14 Law Against Working “off the books” Federal Flood Insurance Steel Tariff Instructions for Policy Analysis Project: Claim your policy on Discussion Board (first come/first served) no more than two students to any topic Download the corresponding essay from the collection of essay. For example, if your policy is about the FDA then you will want to read essay #1 Death by Bureaucrat. Submit the following pages: Page 1 Title page Page 2 Policy, Intent, Unintended Consequences and Issue Page 3 Economic Principles and Incentives Page 4 Graphs Page 5 Classical and Keynesian interpretations Page 6 Cost/Benefits, Winners/Losers, Alternatives

Rent Control (Federal Corn Subsidies)

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