
Research paper on running

Research paper on running.

 As you assemble your final draft, review and use all the the writing strategies and approaches we’ve worked on, focusing on the following: Focus on what you’re project does or accomplishes by continuing to think of your goal as helping to solve a problem you and your readers care about. The Craft of Research, for instance, recommends that introductions be organized around a problem and solution: “What seizes [readers’] attention is a problem they think needs a solution, and what holds it is a promise that you’ve found it” (232). One advantage of this is that it defines what needs to be done in the rest of the project both for you (you know what you need to do and so know if you’ve done it) and your readers (they have a map that makes reading easier and more productive). Continue to emphasize and develop those areas of your project that are most suited to an interdisciplinary approach by reviewing Michael Seipel’s “Interdisciplinarity: An Introduction,” by reviewing your Reflective Statement on Interdisciplinarity, and by regularly refining/redefining/restating your problem to foreground how an interdisiciplinary approach helps you to solve it. While you definitely should address the concepts from the bolded statement in Stage 4 don’t literally bold the statement into Stage 5–this info can be integrated more “naturally” into your project (and you don’t need a postscript like in Stage 4) Make sure you have a strong title. 

Research paper on running

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