Researched Literary Analysis Paper.
Description This assignment requires you to use both a primary source (the text you are writing about) and secondary sources (your research) to support your critical analysis of one of the literary works we have read this semester. Researched literary analysis calls upon your skills of analysis, interpretation, and synthesis. The primary text will be the focal point of your analysis. You will be using secondary sources to substantiate and support your analysis. Although you must incorporate secondary critical commentary into your essay, the focal point of your paper is your own interpretation and analysis of the primary work you are analyzing. You should also feel free to analyze and evaluate the critical commentary provided by the critics. If you come across scholarship that does not agree or concur with your analysis, feel free to disagree with that scholar and use it to further support your argument. **Be sure that your essay contains a clear thesis statement that makes a central analytical point/argument about the work you are discussing. REQUIREMENTS: PAPER: • Works: You may write about anything we have read for class. • Topics: You may choose a topic/theme you have discussed in one of your journal entries, discussion board entries, or short analytical paper. The works we have read this session cover a range of topics including, but not limited to, gender and gender roles, and cultural identity, morality, class, religion, hypocrisy, duty/honor, patriarchy, love, symbolism/imagery, language, emotion, infidelity, and realism. You may choose to write about any of these topics (if there is a topic that is not on this list, go for it!) in relation to the time period of the piece . • Make an argument about your topic. This argument must be clearly stated in a working thesis statement. All body paragraphs must be focused and organized, clearly relating back to your thesis. • Cite all sources using MLA Format. Your paper must include proper parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page. Length: Your research paper must be a minimum of (6) pages, typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font and in MLA format with a proper heading.