
The differences between the assessment of a public health nurse and a clinical nurse

The differences between the assessment of a public health nurse and a clinical nurse.

The differences between the assessment of a public health nurse and a clinical nurse

After completing this module, you will be able to do the following: Defend all aspects of the chosen educational project; to include chosen health concern and target audience, site location and educational materials selection and final presentation Differentiate between the educational teaching event and educational project presentation Overview: One of the most important aspects of community health nursing is to apply the nursing process to the community, in general. Through, assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementing and evaluation of needs, the community health nurse is able to accurately view the deficits of a population in order to develop an action plan and accomplish goals and objectives that affect change on the overall health of the individuals, families and groups. Discussion Question: Explain how your view of what a “patient” is has changed and expanded? What are some major differences between the assessment of a public health nurse and a clinical nurse? Your initial posting should be 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source

The differences between the assessment of a public health nurse and a clinical nurse

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