
The Impact of Automation on Labor

The Impact of Automation on Labor.

Description Write just one paragraph. You speculated, on the discussion board previously, about your career, and either you expressed doubt that automation will affect your career or, inversely, that you must prepare for an automated business environment. Perhaps the insights presented in your Lamb and Morgan readings in this module will support or change your outlook. State your opinion on the impact of automation on the workforce. Use at least two relevant quotes from the readings. Take one side or the other, not both: do you think automation will eliminate jobs OR automation will not, in the long run, eliminate jobs? In either case hypothesize how the scenario you support will affect a global economy. Include a citation and bibliography in APA style. You are required to create your citation(s) and bibliography using the Word “References” tool. Videos are provided among your list of modules to help you with citations and bibliography. Lamb, H. (2018, Novembar 30). Will robots take all our jobs? Unlikely, says economist Andrew Scott. Retrieved from Engineering and Technology: Morgan, B. (2018, September 5). Robots Will Take Our Jobs And We Need A Plan: 4 Scenarios For The Future. Retrieved from Forbes: Structure your paragrpah like this: State your opinion (take one side or the other, not both) Support your opinion with at least one quotation with appropriate citations in APA style State the other side of the argument. Transition to a sentence or two explaining why the other side of the argument is wrong; use a transition. For example, “Even though I believe X, some experts believe…”) and include at least one quotation with appropriate citations in APA style In a brief conclusion, refer to your first post for this course. Tell the reader if you have changed your opinion or whether the literature supports your first post. Reread your own writing. Make sure it flows. Make sure every sentence is clear and informational.

The Impact of Automation on Labor

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